Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Image result for paying for a weapon permit

Sam Hoober. “Filling out a concealed weapons permit” USA Carry, December 20 2016, https://www.usacarry.com/carry-permit-application-denied/. Accessed April 30th 2019

The price of the 2nd amendment.

Most people believe that because bearing a firearm is a constitutional right, people do not need pay to carry them. Open and conceal carry comes with a high price, with most states taking extra measures. The system varies by state some allow permit less open carry and conceal while other require interviews with the police to even get one. Most people are in favor of this allowing guns to be given to capable people, half believe that guns should not require permits per the constitution.

The state of Arizona is one of the few states that allow open and conceal carry without a permit. Allowing anyone 18 years of age to open carry a firearm legally, this is a prime example of a less harsher system. Its counterpart California has stricter gun laws, according to Ben Christoper of Calmatters on the reason for California strict gun laws, Ben states " The Panthers’ efforts to “police the police” already had led Republican Assemblyman Don Mulford to propose legislation to ban the “open carry” of loaded firearms within California cities and towns." (Ben, para 3). Right now, it is hard to obtain a gun permit within California as opposed to Arizona. This shows how hard it is to express out constitutional right, a right that the founding fathers wanted.

There are people that like stricter laws, gun control activists are very much in favor of stricter state laws. Some states are using tragedy's such as shooting or school shootings to further justify stricter laws. This is highly agreeable due to the fact guns are used for one purpose, that being to take another persons life. This is seen with states making it harder to obtain a open and conceal carry license, to avoid said tragedy's 

However we must take into account that it is a constitutional right to obtain a firearm and carry it. The "Right to bear arms" is something that most states try to limit by forcing laws into affect that limit the use and purchase of guns. The united states was founded on the belief that every person should have the right to protect themselves.   

In conclusion Open and Conceal carry does come with a high price. Most states are already adopting extra measures. This greatly affects those that are wanting to own and carry a firearm, that most argue should not happen at all. The United States should not push to be like the foreign countries that have no firearms, instead staying true to itself.

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